Friday, September 30, 2005

Toast to Carl

I was reading about Carl Sagan and his exploits through his biography, simply stunning his thoughts and projections were that many of the pedestrian minds even now continue to deny them as purely hallucinating experiences of a partly insane man.

A man who not only explored science with passion but also was probably the first one, who offered a chance to the masses to embrace it, was shunned and refused accolades from the scientific fraternity. The "Old and proper" boys as they are called, the men who assume that science is for the blessed ones have probably been responsible in curtailing the progress that probably could have been achieved in understanding this world.

His immense popularity trangressed physical and mental barriers, withstood the assault by a many a renowned minds for the sole cause of understanding the emnation of life. The great man knew that he possessed a trait to visualize probably what many have ignored, he tried and failed in his experiment in locating the truth he sought for, but stood resposnsible for inspiring many more to join hands in this movement.

I believe such men carry misgivings for their display of supremacy, but they are the beacon who send forth the light for no price at all.

Friday, September 23, 2005

arise o'phoenix

Calling out for those unknown strangers out in this world, i do not plead, but forthrightly call out loud that men have begun to lose the source of inspiration to outgrow themselves. The essence towards the prosperity of this world - so called; has occured with the weaker nations obliging to the fancies of the priveleged bullies. Almost seems that you have gone back to primary school, so elementary is the way of politics amidst apolitic people.

Men prefer to remain as bonded slaves to the society, their thoughts and actions guided by this unknown force, unwilling to transcend into newer areas and willful to remain in the stationary phase forever without causing any change, but expecting with gay abandon for a messaih to arrive to make it possible. Praise thee the lord!

The force to innovate and thrive on the creativity of mankind, a characteristic that caused the industrial revolution has unfortunately simmered down with the people who possess, acquiring from the ones who develop.Too many incidences with no ethics has left a battlefield of scarred martyrs. It is time that the brave sacrifice their lives to ensure that a better world remains.

remember the titans

A lot of furore has been created over the recent controversies between the coach and the captain of the Indian cricket team, for non-followers of this port- i wish to mention that it has a religious following in India. The coach deemed the captain was not fit to play in the squad and hence apprised about his choice about an hour away from a game, the enraged captain fed the media about this locker room talk, hence providing a satiating opportunity for them to feast on the titbits.

On pondering over the melee that was created, i began to wonder if the sweat and blood that people spill on the field really worth the effort if the entertainment industry has more gains than the individuals involved themselves. Sport, which ever it may be, played to rejuneavte souls, display their honed talents and enthrall those deprived seems to have taken an altogether definition in this era more renowned for technology.

The extension of this incidences have extended into the minds of many who have begun to watch sporting events like a soap opera, the ending predicatable - though with its own twists. It makes me sad that the pleasure one derives while participating would no longer count, as the simulations would have already been done and the men who seek glory would have been notified about the imminent victory/defeat.

The people who have risen to overcome these challenges posed by forces not close to their field of interest need to be recognized and respected, not shunned due to misconstrued misunderstandings.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

own it all !

I was reading an article in one of the technical journals on the ruckus that the patent laws have created amidst the scientific and regular community in the past years. Simply mindboggling it was to know that even the brilliant minds have been cuaght off guard by the loopholes that have been created during the framing of the patent rules.

Someone invents whilst a few years down the line, there are a dozen other impersonators who find a route to develop a similar tool for their own needs. I want to quote a famous line lifted from the man who laid the foundation for modern day computers- Alan Turing; You cannot hold a right on a state bu definitely on a state machine.

It seems abstract, but in the larger picture it makes sense to develop newer machines with old / upgraded softwares, which is capable of functions that could supersede the existing capabilites of systems of similar kind. This turns out to be the thin line that is creating controversies, a advanced algortihm from known math formula cannot be patented, but if we develop even a rudimentary machine that is not available to run this tool, it is patentable.

This leaves me wondering; does all one need is a right kind of basket, which can be used to pick up the right apples that the customers would appreciate and relish!