Sunday, September 18, 2005

own it all !

I was reading an article in one of the technical journals on the ruckus that the patent laws have created amidst the scientific and regular community in the past years. Simply mindboggling it was to know that even the brilliant minds have been cuaght off guard by the loopholes that have been created during the framing of the patent rules.

Someone invents whilst a few years down the line, there are a dozen other impersonators who find a route to develop a similar tool for their own needs. I want to quote a famous line lifted from the man who laid the foundation for modern day computers- Alan Turing; You cannot hold a right on a state bu definitely on a state machine.

It seems abstract, but in the larger picture it makes sense to develop newer machines with old / upgraded softwares, which is capable of functions that could supersede the existing capabilites of systems of similar kind. This turns out to be the thin line that is creating controversies, a advanced algortihm from known math formula cannot be patented, but if we develop even a rudimentary machine that is not available to run this tool, it is patentable.

This leaves me wondering; does all one need is a right kind of basket, which can be used to pick up the right apples that the customers would appreciate and relish!


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