Friday, September 30, 2005

Toast to Carl

I was reading about Carl Sagan and his exploits through his biography, simply stunning his thoughts and projections were that many of the pedestrian minds even now continue to deny them as purely hallucinating experiences of a partly insane man.

A man who not only explored science with passion but also was probably the first one, who offered a chance to the masses to embrace it, was shunned and refused accolades from the scientific fraternity. The "Old and proper" boys as they are called, the men who assume that science is for the blessed ones have probably been responsible in curtailing the progress that probably could have been achieved in understanding this world.

His immense popularity trangressed physical and mental barriers, withstood the assault by a many a renowned minds for the sole cause of understanding the emnation of life. The great man knew that he possessed a trait to visualize probably what many have ignored, he tried and failed in his experiment in locating the truth he sought for, but stood resposnsible for inspiring many more to join hands in this movement.

I believe such men carry misgivings for their display of supremacy, but they are the beacon who send forth the light for no price at all.


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